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Do you suffer from OCD? You aren’t alone. We can help.

Do you claim to be “OCD”? People who like things a certain way or consider themselves to be a perfectionist often jokingly refer to themselves as having OCD. These behaviors don’t, however, disrupt their lives or make them more difficult. The truth is that obsessive-compulsive disorder is no joking matter for people who live with the affliction. Unlike people who don’t suffer from OCD, for individuals that do, the behaviors can bring limited relief, but not doing them can cause a great amount of mental and emotional distress.

What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a type of anxiety that can take over a person’s mind and make them feel like they must perform repetitive behaviors.The recurring and unwanted thoughts and ideas, or obsessions, are what drive them to behave in a compulsive way.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder comes with thoughts and behaviors that can disrupt an individual’s routine, can affect their ability to work and keep a job, can impact their productivity, and can cause anti-social behavior.

The compulsive behaviors are often extremely time-consuming and, if not done, can cause extreme distress. Conversely, doing them wrong can create a cycle of repeating the behaviors over and over until they’re done “correctly.”

What Are Common OCD Behaviors?

The compulsions related to this disorder can range from mild to life-impacting. Common behaviors include:

Common OCD Behaviors


checking the clock, making sure the oven is off, ensuring the door is locked, that lights have been turned off, and making sure loved ones are safe


hand washing, cleaning, and removing dirt and germs from surfaces, spaces, and even their own bodies

Counting and arranging

repeatedly counting things such as words, items, and things similar in nature as well as spending enormous amounts of time arranging things to appeal to their sense of symmetry and things being “right”


some people with OCD compulsively hoard items they don’t need and can’t use

What Drives the Compulsive Behavior?

In the mind of someone with OCD, the behaviors are done for a reason. Though they are not reasonable for an average person, the disorder makes them unavoidable. The thoughts that drive their actions can include:

Compulsive OCD Behaviors

  • Fear of dirt, germs, and contamination
  • Fear of loss of control
  • Reducing the chance of harm coming to themselves or others
  • Fear that not doing something perfectly or repeatedly will result in something bad happening
  • Superstitions about numbers, colors, and symmetry
  • Fear of not having something they need
  • Religious or moral fears
  • Anxiety that is relieved by repeated behaviors

Why It’s Important to Seek Help

OCD can disrupt an individual’s life and have a significant impact on their relationships. Controlling the behavior is not always easily accomplished as the thoughts that drive them are persistent and difficult to stop. If you or someone you care about shows signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder, it’s critical to get help from a professional to overcome them.

At New Life 360, we take an individualized approach, including cognitive behavioral therapy, to find the root cause, identify triggers, and help change the behavior and thought process for those suffering from OCD.

Connect with our counselling team at New Life 360 today to schedule a free 15 minute counselling with one of our qualified OCD therapists.