Mental Therapy and Counseling near Tampa, FL

What is Individual therapy?

Individual therapy is a form of therapy in which the client is treated on a one-on-one basis with a therapist. Individual therapy allows the therapist and client to build rapport, focus on the presenting problem the client is seeking to be treated, and is a way for clients to explore their thought, feelings, behaviors, and beliefs in a non-judgmental supportive environment.

Let Us Help You With...

  • Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual Well-Being
  • Feelings of Depression, Anxiety
  • Addictions
  • Mood disorders and Behavior problems

Who is Individual therapy for?

People who are struggling with their mental, emotional, social, or spiritual well-being, as well as those with feelings of depression, anxiety, addictions, mood disorders, behavior problems, or various other issues are good candidates for therapy. Therapy helps people learn about how to cope better with challenging situations and take control of your life.

What should I expect during the therapy session?

Individual therapy can help with life’s stressors that negatively impact a person’s life. You can expect be learn how to better cope with and manage the stressors that continue to interfere with having a quality of life. Individual therapy can assist with reducing anxiety, increasing self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. Therapist are trained to teach, educate, equip people to cope with challenges and resolve the internal conflict that affects the impact of your life.

How do I get started with New Life 360, Inc. to receive this type of therapy?

At New Life 360, Inc. we have trained therapists who can answer any questions you may have about the therapeutic process and how to get started. The earliest appointment will be scheduled with a professional of your choice. We have qualified staff that are specialized in various types of therapy that can assist you with your presenting problems. It is recommended that you review any questions or concerns regarding the process that you may have. An evaluation and treatment planning is prepared for an accurate assessment of the problem and how to best treat the problem.