Mental Therapy and Counseling near Tampa, FL

Do you <span class="muted">or someone you love</span> Struggle with <strong>Substance Abuse</strong>?

Get Help Today. Our substance abuse counseling program can help you break free from your addiction.

Substance abuse and drug addiction are common in both adults and teens. There are many reasons why people do drugs - from curiosity or peer pressure to prescription pain medication or the stress and anxiety of day-to-day life. No matter the reason for the use of drugs, people are susceptible to addiction.

Substance abuse needs to be addressed to avoid being overcome by addiction and living a life of defeat. There is no failure in admitting your dependence or abuse of a substance no matter if it's caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs or illegal drugs. Failure only comes when one gives up and decides there is no hope for recovering from the addiction. But there is hope! People who are struggling with addiction can seek help from a counselor who can help addicts quit and recover through a series of treatments.

It's important to be aware of the signs of substance abuse - some are obvious while others are subtle and difficult to detect. You can learn more about signs and symptoms of substance abuse below. Whether you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, seek counseling to determine the reason(s) for using the substance and start the healing and recovery process to overcome the addiction through treatment.

Take the First Step to Recovery!!!

To register for substance abuse counseling, or if you have questions about the program, call 813-548-1166 or simply complete the form provided.

Limited Time Offer

Receive FREE Substance Abuse Counseling. Register using the form below or call 813-548-1166

Substance Abuse Counseling Program

For a limited time New Life 360 is offering free substance abuse counseling. Our capacity to offer free counseling is limited – registered today!

How does the program work?

First, a counselor will conduct a free assessment to confirm the person's need for substance abuse counseling.

Then, when someone qualifies for the need for counseling, the addict will begin attending group therapy immediately.

Counseling is provided in a group therapy environment with others who are working through challenges of their own. Some are well along and others are just starting. The group environment provides an excellent opportunity for peer support and accountability. A certified therapist runs the sessions and is there to provide counseling.

  • NO payment required
  • NO strings attached
  • NO commitment to continue counseling

How do I sign up?

You can register by calling 813-548-1166 or by completing the registration form below. If you call, you will also receive an email confirming your registration.

Is there an age restriction?

We are able to provide substance abuse counseling to teens and adults.

What if I don't know if I have a substance abuse issue?

We will help you determine whether or not your habits are indicative of substance abuse or addiction during the initial substance abuse evaluation.

What if I'm not the one with substance abuse, but am trying to help a loved one who is a drug addict?

If you are the legal guardian, then you may register your teen for the program. Otherwise, the person who has substance addiction must register himself/herself. We want the patient to take the initiative to seek recovery from their addiction.

Is there a commitment?

We do not require you to continue receiving substance abuse treatment after the free counseling period is over.

Why are we offering free counseling?

We want to help people who are struggling with substance abuse to break free from their addiction and start living their life to full potential.

When does the Free Offer end?

Don't delay! We are making this opportunity for free substance abuse counseling for a trial period available to five drug addicts (or other addictions). Once our slots are filled we will close the registration for the free counseling.

Take the First Step to Recovery!!!

To register for substance abuse counseling, or if you have questions about the program, call 813-548-1166 or simply complete the form provided.

Signs of Substance Abuse

NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of warning signs of unhealthy substance use

Bloodshot eyes, shakes or tremors, frequent bloody noses, weight loss or gain
Person is borrowing money or stealing money to pay for drugs.
Behavior Changes
Noticeable difference in behavior and interaction with others. Confrontational and mood swings
It takes more of the substance to feel the effects.
Continued Use
Continuing to use a prescription drug after it's no longer needed for a health problem
Other Signs
Changes in sleep, new friends, combining drugs, and more
Warning: Substance abuse is serious, and can lead to severe harm to the person and others when not treated.

The real dangers of Substance Abuse

When someone doesn't admit their addiction to drugs and get treatment to break free from their addiction, then they are susceptible to failures in so many ways. The addiction will create a detrimental drain on the finances, cause tension in relationships, result in a drop in performance at work that will most likely lead to job loss, and will eventually captivate one's mind to think of nothing but getting the next fix. In severe cases of substance abuse people are driven to steal from others. Eventually, the effects of the drug is not enough which leads to experimenting with new drugs or extreme amounts which can lead to overdose and death.

Top Substances People Abuse:

  • Marijuana
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Opioids/Opiates/Heroin
  • Prescription medications
  • Caffeine
  • MDMA
  • Methamphetamines
  • Sugar
  • Cocaine
  • Tranquilizers/Sedatives

Don't let your addiction to any substance control you. Overcome your addiction through counseling or treatment. It's not too late to regain control of your life, live free of the chains of addiction, and rebuild relationships.

Sherry J. Bradley, LCSW, MCAP

Recovery Starts Here...

The first step to overcoming your addiction starts with a simple phone call.

On the call, we’ll take time to understand your current struggles and discuss the substance abuse treatment options we offer.

We look forward to helping you regain your live and get you back on track.

Call (813) 548-1166 Schedule Free 15 Minute Consultation